Monday, October 31, 2016

My dog as "Batdog" for Halloween.

After I took Chase out, he went back to the door and waited. So I had to take him out again just in case πŸ‘πŸ½

The devil has arrived

Puggle Halloween

Heart of a lion.

Jumping for joy

My little candy corn

Couldn't resist another one. Sushi roll doggo has unrolled himself! I think that look says it all πŸ’•

[Fluff] The pup getting ready for bed.

Happy Halloweiner - A Briard that thinks shes a weiner.

Fully belly

Mars the Manly fairy wanted to know when he would be getting treats too...

Together, we're a basic witch. She wasn't impressed.

You know we got approved for these pyrotechnics.

His bow tie


What kind if dog is this? I found her in the road

He wouldn't leave the candy bowl all afternoon... πŸ•ΈπŸŽƒπŸ’€

Sunflower pup!

Pigg the Magic Dragon

The cutest BB-8 you've ever seen!

My 8 year old golden, Maggie

Meet Wolfie

Me and my pupper Jamaica

Little foster-sister likes to emulate her new big brother.

Illy as Chewbacca for Halloween

Happy Howloween!

Happy Howl-o-ween from the Queen Beeyote!

It's my little pals 7th birthday!

A very Happy 2nd Birthday to my handsome, hairy child. You make the world a better place!

This is Pup.

They say to let a sleeping dog lie.

Sleepy little guy

this big pile of melted ice cream is my grandma's dog, Milo

Happy Howloween! πŸŽƒπŸ•·πŸ‘»

"Give me your tired, your poor, your leftover table scraps."

The only time she doesn't have a toy in her mouth is when she stops to eat

The Rare Giraffe Pumpkin


Becomes Spider Man. Can't stop smiling.

Gave this toy dog to my dog when she was a baby! Now it's her favorite dog!

Our puppy Kringle!

Cocoa trying to guilt me into saying hop in my lap

Ready to Trick-r-Treat - TaunTaun the PomPom, dressed as a "TaunTaun" ready for Halloween πŸ‘» & plenty of doggy treats.

Waiting for the fireworks to stop

Down Owns By Britney Spears In Past!

She loves lounging around