Friday, March 17, 2017


I took her to the vet today so now she's acting all pitiful.

14years and counting. She's went blind and mostly deaf. She gets stuck under the table sometimes and it's too cute. On a side note; you can always see her wagging that tail. She gets around like a champ!

Our Irish Wolfhound turns 6 this year. She's as tall as the counters in the kitchen!

Stella doing her best boxer pose

Don't be alarmed, Dr. Mike. Today all hearts do a jig! Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I love when he does the crossed paws thing.

Yeah that's my dog, he's freaking adorable.

Let us never forget Wishbone ❤

She was so confused

Good dogs get treats

This is my girl, Pepper. She's a Scottie, and she will be 1 next month!

My dog waits for me until I get home.

Rad's favorite thing is nap time

Walter won't let the groomer trim his ears, but we can coax him to let us after a few treats.

Went to meet the dog I'm watching next week...

Got A Good Dam Sleep...

Found this old picture of my dad's dog. He will be 2 next month.

Bella got a haircut and came back with a flower!

Chuck, my best buddy

The Dogtor will see you now

My friends pug has a ridiculously long tongue.

He is just so elegant...

Going to church

That face tho... Zeus ~ 4yrs old

My husky has been loving the dog park and all her new friends

This is Wally! Our (almost) 2 year old adopted pup.

True love!

Worth the £5 even if she did only wear it for 30 seconds!

I run a small dog adventure company in Melbourne Australia with my partner. We make their day, and they make our day

Always happy!

This Soldier Stayed With His Dying Dog Until His Last Breath

GSP pup 6 months, ready to go hunting

A picture I took of my ex girlfriend's dog

Merlin the Australian Shepherd.

Cool chillin.


Penny finally warmed up to the hammock:)

He digs up a dirt den to lie in and cool off.

Cute dogs

Feisty (random) beach puppy :)

Aesthetic as always :)

If I nicely ask give me a treat

Hi Reddit ! Meet my new pup Riley :)