Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Ten years old and still acting like she’s two.

Does anyone else have a dog who really enjoys wearing hats?

My beautiful lady ❤️

We’ve been going for more walks recently due to the stay at home order in our state!

More of a branch than a stick


Feeding time!

9 months of Marvin

Our dog seems fine with the quarantine

My boy was returned, years ago, to the shelter because he enjoyed balls/toys too much.

Are you my new human?

my puppy can tell when i’m upset, this is what she does ❤️

I swear she's alive lol

Smiley Booty Rubs

rarepuppers best of the year awards!!

My sweet rescue spot Ted finding his light

Tifa just had a bath.

My little Cooper learning to sit a few months ago

The neighbor got a new dog and she's pouting because she can't go play.

Just the right height

Daisy, a 15 year old collie mix. Still does whatever she wants and listens to no one. We love her.

I'm extra comfy while with my cuddle buddy

While working from home this is my "Branch Manager"

Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantine cake day kisses

My dog hates the cone after surgeries, so I bought and altered some kids pjs so he can be comfy

My birthday present Noah!

My mixed-mutt girl Elzie. Fighting a nap while relaxing in the sun on the front porch.

My sister took my girl out when I first got her. She had a very long day at the beach and couldn’t walk back to the car so my sister had to carry her the whole way. She passed out when they got back to my place.

If I look like a human I can eat your food right?

Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping pup?! (Rhetorical question. There’s not.)

2 month baby Shiba Inu-Beagle mix

What happiness looks like.

Ruby after a haircut :)

An old picture of my boxer Sam (RIP) playing with my dad. She got excited when he came home.

Got up to go to the kitchen quick & someone disassembled my BLT. The LT on the carpet wasn't as tempting I guess.

My mercy. Maybe... 3 ish.? Rescued from.... Very frustrating circumstances

some requested pictures of this snuggle bug. he was such a good boy and I was so lucky to have him in my life! rest well sammy.

She finally caught one ........

She’s a poser, but this is Sasha.

The Boys

My boy Duke getting squished by his big brother.

down to cuddle :)))

Someone’s tuckered out from the quarantine!!

I'm lazy now

Quarantine = more ball time

Meet Little Lily!