Wednesday, November 30, 2016

We sit in the mud... and reach for the stars.

What kind of dog is this?

Staying warm on chilly nights

What do you think my dog is thinking about??

He swears he is building a fort and didn't notice the food until I said something...

The most adorable floof I've met. I just want to steal him every time


My dog took a Christmas card picture.

What dog breed is this in the photo?

Sometimes, all you need is a good friend

This babe turned 7 so we gave him peanut butter :)

When your dog gives you the stink face

Hi I'm Olag!

She lost her best friend and sister recently, and being in college makes it hard to show how much I love her, maybe you guys can help.

I have only two legs, therefore I am people now. Beer please!

This setting reminded me of all the engagement photos flooding my Facebook

Here is doggo karma?

Guilty of taking a bite out of the gingerbread man's rear end.

My coworkers dog... I always want to steal it

I'm so well hidden; you certainly can't see me.

What I woke up to this morning...

Nelson is going to get neutered today .. I feel like such a shitty friend.

Her fat rolls force her to smile when she's on her back

Time for new tennis balls

Meet Zappa!

Remi watching Remy on Ratatouille ❤️

My beautiful border collie watching me eat

How she waits to greet other dogs at the park.

A magic smile I have ever shot!

Caine is *not* amused.

Zelda relaxing

Wolfdog Luna

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

She Regrets it a Little...

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas... (xpost from /r/aww)

So THAT'S why they call it dog paddling!

Dakota Bleux and Mysti Jo!

I got my eyes on YOU!

Found this sad lady at the bar

My deaf dog: Rufus the dufus

Meet Scout!

Ready for his Bar Mitzvah!

Maclins always stealing Marley's bones, she found a solution.

You've never seen a happier lil doggo!

I think she's digging her new home

My partner Max Power

When you know you're guilty...

Sherlock the Wire Hair Fox Terrier I groomed today.



Cuddled up in this cold weather!