Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Carefree living

Max the Bruce & Oatmeal

Big girl is so proud to have jammies that fit

Lucy posed for a portrait in the back yard just before dinner a few hours ago.

I was always waiting for him to take flight with those big flappers on his face!

A girl and her toy

My little freckle nose boy when he falls asleep he sucks on my ankle or leg like a baby pup lol.

Spooky dog.

You better not touch his duck

i’m Stella and i’m 14.5 weeks old!

Cake Day

This is Barney! Barney is our new baby that we adopted. But has a major fear of dogs. So he’s away with a trainer, before he comes home to us. This was just sent to me and was too good not to share!!!

This is my dog. Her name is Harley. Does anyone have any idea what kind of dog she might be?? She’s a rescue. About 3 years old. Very smart, playful, loyal, can be timid at times.

Studying buddy

came home to this after a long day.😭

When your 20lb sister is super confident she can win in a fight with your 100+lb self

Trying to talk my roommate’s family into naming him Dobby

Beanie Boys (not my dog)

Otto on the ottoman

He's ready for his interview

Just sleeps on the couch

Y'all smell something?

Fell asleep with his squeaker ball

Monday, June 29, 2020

“Go to your cage!” I found her like this 10 minutes later. Cross legged and defiant

Heeeeere's Pepper!

Enjoying the view

Can't wake the baby

cutie doggy

Hello, can we play?

My boxer pupper had a little catflap Incident. This is a really old photo.

Happy pup says hi

So hard to be cute

I think Rocco has settled in nicely. 🤗

And now I gotta be on the floor.

Kobe being a good boi

This is Maggie, our newly adopted dog! She is a beauty!

He's up to something... How do I know? Because he's ALWAYS up to something

So hard to be cute

Happy pup says hi

Our new little troublemaker, Griffin!

She *had* a bow in her hair...

Our 5 month old Pug Shih Tzu mix, Clark! He has a fabulous little underbite and the greatest personality!

Our new little troublemaker, Griffin!

Athena melting into my couch 😂

My boxer pupper had a little catflap Incident. This is a really old photo.


She had a fun day chasing drones!

She's is ready to her daily yoga session!

I might need a bigger bed for all these lovelies

Toe beans and a sleepy boy!