Tuesday, March 29, 2022

TBH my life has been falling apart lately but in just 5 days I can bring this little lady home with me and I couldn't be more excited πŸ₯²

Ollie was my pandemic buddy. He was my roommate’s dog, but Ollie and I had a strong connection. He’d spend more nights in my bed than his owner’s. I miss him immensely.

My sister and her bf adopted this rare boy last week. Here he is killing a dangerous tuft of weeds!

Bruce’s Instagram Feed

so many naps, so little time!

Eleanor Beardsley, the rarest of puppers, growing up. Chair for scale.

Sadly later this week we are going to have to put down this amazing boy. Don't want him to suffer anymore but the last 12 years he's been with me and my family have been amazing and we will always remember and love him❤️ We love you Hunter

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Saturday, March 26, 2022

He looks smart but there’s only a single brain cell behind those eyes and he uses it to body slams whoever he likes

Beach day shenanigans with these two!

Think it may just be true love 😍the way they are with each other is adorable, just wanted to show you guys Riley(1 years old) and Miloh 6 months πŸ’™πŸ’ž

One year later, still snuggling.

Are his testicles ok? He is 11 months old, and I was planning neutering him when he hits adulthood

This is a permanent fixture in my field of vision. And no. I have no idea what he wants.

enjoying the evening sun

When you open a bag of chips in bed