Take That Dog
Monday, October 31, 2022
Happy Halloween!
Poor Ozwald, all the trick or treaters skip us because we don't have a sidewalk ☹️
derp derps
Perfect representation of their personalities(OC)
It's my youngest pup's 2nd birthday today and she is dressed up as a hotdog(last pic.) She was the cutest little puffball
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Not pictured, a ball to keep her still long enough to get the shot
Coop the Poop says hello
I’m loving their Halloween snoods.
Pupkin ๐❤️
when the holidays haven't even begun and you're already bustin out of your jammies.
He's scared of fireworks.
Friday, October 28, 2022
What kind of dog is this?
Our dog has a spinal disease and can't walk, here's his first go in a wheelchair
Guy on style๐
She is there for comfort when needed
My dog, Harry. He’s 1 year old and a Japanese chin mixed with poodle! Here are some pictures of him
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Mugsly when he hears the word food, or better yet, cheese.
My sweet girl anyone have an idea what breed she is?
This is Freya and she loves to have her photo taken
One of these things are not like the other.
She's been doing this for years and I finally caught her! The sounds are everything.
Just a causal fall day
Guess her Name
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
First time to a pumpkin patch
Miss my Falcor
Got bored so I decided to put a hoodie on him and take a little photo shoot
I dressed up my dog for Halloween contest as a unicorg.
For the people who think pits are aggressive or mean dogs, I would trust this guy around anything or anyone, he loves other animals and kids and babies, he’s such a lover
He loves the park
beautiful Mina
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Giant boyo
Cooper 16+ stinkin up my pillow again
Two years ago today, I brought home the tiny little 15-pound bundle of cuteness on the left. Somewhere along the way, someone switched him out with 75-pound monstrosity on the right. Not sure when or how that happened.
Happy Tongue Out Tuesday from Bamby ๐ฅฐ
My little Pinky! She'sabsolutelyBEAUTIFUL!
He may or may not have been digging..
Monday, October 24, 2022
Ruby & Scooby - A dynamic duo
he’s claimed the lower half of the cat tower
We are just playing around!
I watch too many crime shows lol- but for some reason I feel so much safer with my Old English Bulldog laying with me all day. I know she would do anything to protect me! ❤️๐ฅฐ just an appreciation post for my baby girl Stella! ❤️
Baby had enough for the day
Australian Labradoodle on a Camping Trip!
You're finally home.
Sleepy girl
Sunday, October 23, 2022
I am quite pawsitive that they are related.
local dogs dressed up as scary ghosts for halloween! ๐ป๐
My Australian shepherd Corgi Apollo.
This cute bat! ❤️
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